Snaau Manifesto
Finding the right why inspires an unexplored path that can take you to areas you have never imagined, only with the power of your beliefs can you challenge your limits, although in reality, what are limits? Only excuses or perhaps paradigms that prevent us from exploiting our greatest potential, therefore, finding the right way to present our ideas leads us to leave our comfort zone and why not? Change the rules of the game and reveal the best version of yourself.
Obstacles emphasize all life processes, they are necessary and inherent in the evolutionary process of continuous improvement, only through these challenges do we learn how to face difficult situations and that is what life would be like if we did not go through this type of facts, I think it would not make any sense, since the ability to overcome them reflects our courage and therefore resilience to each of the aspects of life.
Undertaking implies challenges that challenge you, put you to the test and invite you to carry out each one of the deepest desires of your heart. When I ventured on this path, I did not understand the dimension of where it would lead me, I did not even consider the possibility of that it was something that I was going to dedicate myself to full time, I simply saw it as an additional option that could perhaps help me at that moment to find something to dedicate myself to while I finished university, I was pleasantly surprised to understand that this went beyond of myself, since that for which I feel I have been called into this world was related to my purpose, it is clear that I understood this years later.
Only by throwing yourself into the void can you understand how far you are going to go, every risk has its reward, it can go wrong or it can go well, but it is better to try than to be left with the question of what if I had done it? I firmly believe that all people have a purpose, a mission to fulfill, some discover it earlier than others, however, the time in which you see it does not matter, what really matters is that when you discover it, you can carry out what you want. with passion you feel that you have been destined to fulfill.
Life is summed up in those moments that mark a before and after! Co-founding Snaau with my brother means finding a greater purpose that drives us every day to continue building a dream that wants to impact millions of people around the world! world, this through entrepreneurship, work and passion for what we do, we firmly believe in our value, for this reason today we say Hello World!